We haven’t been getting the truth.

Source:  Oscar Rowe

According to the CDC, that’s the number of “COVID-19-related deaths” in the United States as of August 31.

Of course, on the surface, nearly 170,000 deaths — especially with three months left in 2020 — is frightening to say the least.

But, as usual, the devil is in the details.

You see, of the 168,864 reported deaths, only 6% of them had COVID-19 listed as the ONLY cause of death.

The other 94% had, on average, 2.6 additional causes listed — per death.

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” – CDC Website

In short, according to official data from the CDC, roughly 10,000 of the 168,864 “COVID-19 related deaths” can be attributed to COVID-19 alone.

10,000 — less than the average number of flu deaths per year in the United State.

So why are politicians — along with their pals in the fake news media — calling for more economy-destroying lockdowns and closings?

Is it really about protecting Americans from COVID-19. . .

. . . Or is it more about trying to effect the outcome of the November 3 General Election?

What say you?

Let us know in the comments below.