Source: Jim Hoft

As the Trump-hating Lincoln Project imploded this weekend due to grooming charges against one of its leaders, Rep. Adam Kinzinger jumped into action to scoop up its leftist donors.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger announced on Monday he is forming an anti-Trump PAC to “take back” the GOP from Trump.
No doubt, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be among the first to donate to the project.

91% of Trump voters told pollsters they would vote for the America First president a third time if he runs in 2024.

FOX News reported:

Under fire by many in his own party for his vote to impeach then-President Trump, Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is fighting to “take back” the GOP.

The Air Force veteran and current lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard who served two tours of duty in the Iraq war launched a new political action committee to take aim against Republicans who continue to embrace and Trump.

Pointing to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters to unsuccessfully disrupt congressional certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory over Trump, the congressman said Sunday in a video announcing his new “Country First” PAC that “this is no time for silence. Not after the last month. Not after the last few years. Someone needs to tell the truth.”