Source: Jordan Conradson

CodeMonkeyZ called into the Cyber Symposium on Wednesday to preview recently uncovered elections data from Mesa County Colorado. 

Yesterday, The Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters had her office raided on her way over to the symposium!

They are politically persecuting her a the leak that she had no part in.

CodeMonkeyZ now appears to be analyzing this new data that he discovered.

The passwords were provided by a Dominion employee, but the Colorado Secretary of State is now investigating a Colorado County Clerk for releasing the Dominion admin passwords.  And Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters said last night she never had access to the passwords.

Maricopa County continues to claim that it cannot provide voting system passwords because they do not have the Dominion passwords.

CodeMonkeyZ is now looking through the logs for evidence of connectivity or deleted records as well as taking questions from the crowd, some cyber experts.

We are learning that data has been deleted. We will have more on this as it develops.

See him explain what is happening in the video below.